February Updates:
We have two hot-fills!

Our President and Treasurer are both PCSing in March 2025. Yes, you read that correctly: they leave the country next month. These are no-gap positions as per our Bylaws, so please volunteer yourself and/or your friends TODAY to help us continue serving our Membership!
OSAY needs YOU to serve on the 25-26 Board! All positions are open, as the 24-25 Board
will be PCSing. Please send us an email at: osayokosuka@gmail.com to see how you can help.
February Events:

Setsubun Festival
Sunday, Feb 2, 2:30pm in Kamakura
Have you seen all the beans and silly, red masks in the stores lately? Those are the essential items you need to celebrate the upcoming Japanese festival of Setsubun! Throwing the beans at the demon and shouting "Oni wa soto, fuku wa uchi" (Demons out, good fortune in) is fun for the whole family! There are many Setsubun festivals happening around the region this year, but a big event will be held at the Tsurugaoka Hachimangu (main shrine) in Kamakura on Sunday, February 2.
Where: We'll meet up at Kamakura Station or you can feel free to venture out on your own.
What to bring: You don't need the mask to participate, but feel free to pick up beans to bring with you at any local store, and OSAY will have some to hand out in case!
RSVP here so we know to look for you: https://www.osayokosuka.com/so/46PIx2TOR?languageTag=en

Mochi Pounding Experience
Saturday, Feb 22, 9:30-11:30, Family Friendly, Arranged Carpool Only
The whole family is welcome to join us in this unforgettable cultural experience! Mochi is a sticky rice cake made by steaming glutinous rice called “Mochigome.” We will carpool off base to pound the Mochigome while it’s still hot (a bit of a race against time) to make the mochi.
Where: This is an off-base event located in an area with extremely limited (and pre-reserved) parking. Please sign up for an arranged carpool, details to come.
What to wear: Warm clothes you don't mind getting a bit dirty - we will be pounding rice outside.
Who can come: This event is exclusive to OSAY Members and immediate family members.
Limited spots available.

Main Base Book Club
Tues, Feb 11 - 64 Sakura Heights
Join us for the Main Base Book Club on Tuesday, February 11th at 64 Sakura Heights from 8-10 p.m. Please join us if you haven't read the book and also if you have! Please join us if you don't feel like bringing anything or bring a beverage of your choice to share. A light snack and community will be provided. We can't wait to see you there!

Ikego Book Club
Thurs, Feb 27 - Location TBD
We Need You!
OSAY is a non-profit organization run exclusively by a board of volunteers. Please consider volunteering your time with us! Send OSAY a message for more information!
Check out all of the current OSAY Board Member Bios here: https://www.osayokosuka.com/post/meet-our-2024-2025-osay-board
OSAY continues to welcome new members all year!
Membership form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdqYiAGTiwOGB4YwOEcvV70wCiAQqgB1z0NVIlR_m_fpdrXOw/viewform
Pay (Late-Bird!) dues:
Please complete your membership and join our 2024-2025 membership group to be kept up to date on what's to come!
OSAY 2024-2025 Membership Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/839791488077555/